I didn’t get too much biking done due to the repairs yesterday but today we have arrived in Radom which is a beautiful town and the people here seem so nice. They are laid back and not in a hurry to get anywhere. I get the impression that it is a university town because of the bar to restaurant ratio. The buildings are new and there are paths for the bikes.
It seems the closer I get to the border of the Ukraine the more familiar it seems. The people’s faces, their postures and their manners give me new insight into my own family background. I of course take my father as an example.
If I were to take one person from the combined sum of all of the personalities and culture that make up the polish people and place him in the middle of Saskatchewan Canada, this in turn would reduce his entire culture and system of rules into a personality. And if I could name this person, I would call him “Dad.”
Before this trip I had clearly no idea of what to expect from the people or the things I would see but it seems that I have an opportunity to see more than what I had expected. I not only see beautiful people and architecture but I get the idea I get to see a little insight into our family’s past.