Today was a little weird as all days here in Ukraine. The day rose early at 445 am to get a good jump on the day and to allow us some extra stops during the trip as Emmanuelle was getting tired from the trip. We had our usual coffee and left by 545 for our way. The hills of Rivne were placed every 3 km which made the morning long but we managed to put in 45 km before really stopping to eat.
Along the highway just balanced on the white line that separates the chopped shoulder and the highway were 2 kittens about a month or so old. They were definitely slower than the cars and we were worried that they would get hit, so we gathered them up and took them out to the nearest farm we could find where they would be safe. I don’t think that kittens should hitchhike until they are at least 3-4 months old.
We continued the route for a little ways and stopped for bite to eat in a small cafe along side of the road. We had the first solid meal during the day that didn’t consist of bread and chocolate since a week ago. It was nice to take a break.
We started on our way again at 10am and rode for about 10km when I had spotted a man who pulled what looked like a tripod out of his trunk and set it up along side of the car. There was 6 figures grouped around and I told Emmanuelle to speed up. Just within view of the car we saw that it was Tanya from Rivne and a media crew filming as we passed. We stopped and gave an interview and Tanya who was dragged 50 km out of Rivne served as our translator as we of course couldn’t get by with saying "cheers" and "thank you" which is the only things we can say in Ukrainian.
The interview was rushed but we were released in a hurry as if we were in a big race or something. I just laughed to myself because if people only knew that when we bike we break every couple km to take pictures or go for a nap along side of the road, they would look differently at the 100km we do per day. We are a little more laid back and we enjoy the day flow by at a slow pace.
Anyway we made it into our next town to find only one hotel room vacant for the night: no shower, no toilet, no warm water, 2 beds ... perfect.
Tomorrow another big day...