I woke up this morning with a dry throat. There was no air in the tiny bedroom of an old hotel in Klodzko. The hotel mirrored very well the flavor of this town: rough, dirty and unsafe. I was ready to leave the place a.s.a.p. Chris took me to the train station. It was not easy to find a train to Opole. I had to take a detour through Worclaw and change train there. Again, I got screwed with my ticket; they charged me double of the price of my bike. 3 dollars more is nothing but the idea of being cheated drives me crazy. Any way, the Polish seem a little bit more helpful and nice than the Czechs. A couple of them actually spontaneously offered to help me take out my bike of the train.
I finally arrived in Opole by 11 o clock, a 4 hour ride! Chris is probably going faster than me especially considering that the terrain is quite flat. I wish I could bike today but after yesterday, it's probably better I give my hand a rest. So I rested until Chris arrived by 2 pm.
He was exhausted but content. We had lunch together. It's always a surprise to see what we get for food. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad depending on our luck. This time was ok. Can't go wrong with chicken!
We then looked around town for a hotel and a bike shop to fix Chris's bike. Not an easy task and asking for directions is rather pointless since nobody speaks English. After a couple of hours around town, I was getting cranky and tired. I was starting to loose hope when suddenly a miracle just happened, a bike store, a free part and fix and a hotel. We were set for the night!