I took the train at 6.17 this morning. Direction: Czestochowa, Poland. I arrived at the station almost 3 hours later. It was an interesting ride; I got to see many towns, some of them in the middle of dense forests.
When I arrived in Czestochowa, I was surprised to see a rather new station with wheelchair ramps. What a treat! I patiently waited for Chris to arrive. I had time to get to know all the bums; one of them was really nice. He looked like a harmless teddy bear. We managed to communicate a little but the conversation died down very quickly.
Chris arrived, tired but happy. While waiting for him I had time to locate camp ground on the map. For once, it didn't take very long to find a place to sleep. It seems as the trip unfolds that we get more organized.
Campsite was pretty cool, not too many people except one lady who was looking for a place for ten. It became difficult to have a quiet nap in the hammock. It became even more difficult to find something to eat. It only took 3 trips to find some decent food. First order: pizza covered with ketchup, never seen this in my life! Second order: 3 humongous burgers filled up with coleslaw! Finally I had managed to find out how we say fries in polish so I ordered some "frytki" and an ice cream. How’s that for a lunch?!
For supper we decide to take the option of making our own food. But it was harder than we thought, it was a guess and try thing. But we managed to successfully make decent supper we actually liked!