Christian's Journal Entry for Day 29 : We awoke to porridge this morning and as a person who does not eat in the morning; this was pretty tough to get through. I even tried to pretend that I could eat it but unsuccessfully I resorted to my usual coffee.
We walked to the community centre and were greeted by the mayor and a huge choir which sang as we approached. I felt a little uneasy because I hadn’t expected that we would get such warm welcome. The mayor and deputy mayor said a couple of words and we listened to Ukrainian folk music interpreted by the choir. I held the bread and salt which was to be served later this night with coffee.....
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Emmanuelle's Journal Entry for Day 29 : It was around 9 am when we left Natascha's house this morning. We walked to centre of town and on the way met with Taia one of the girls working at the centre. She took some pictures as we were walking towards the centre. I had an idea that something was waiting for us but I had not expected such a big welcome. Applauses, flowers, music. Many people had come to congratulate and welcome us to their town. I felt overwhelmed as I never thought people would be so touched by our initiative. The master of the beautiful woman choir came to us with this huge bread and salt while pictures were being taken from all sides. Chris and I were just standing in the middle of this huge circle of people all so excited to see us, the bikers. Even the mayor had taken some time to come to do a speech in our honour while the priest rang the bells of the near by church for this occasion.....
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