Christian's Journal Entry for Day 31 : We rushed out of the door at about 8 am to meet with Volk who would serve as our interpreter for the museum ceremony. Dan was a little nervous because he doesn’t like talking in public so we stopped for a coffee in a little shop beside the museum. After some time Volk joined us and we proceeded to the museum.
The entrance was pretty powerfully lined with the welcome signs of the towns that didn’t exist or had been buried after the area was evacuated. We looked around for a while and met with Tanya, Luba and our hosts from Borodyanka. Also there ....
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Emmanuelle's Journal Entry for Day 31 : It was nice to wake up a little bit later today.
The plan was to leave Dan’s house at 9 am and go to the Chernobyl museum where there was going to be a little gathering with guests from certain community centers and hopefully a few journalists. A friend of Dan Volk was going to be our translator for the day.
It turned out that there were not too many people who came but I didn t mind, it was small and intimate. I was very happy to see Tanya and Lyuba from the Borodyanka community center who came to support us and brought us a copy of an article about our trip that was in the Bo..
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