Christian's Journal Entry for Day 2:Okay the day started out fine with a simple average of 20kmph but it quickly turned for the worse when I had gotten lost somewhere north of Zürich. I thought that I should, after traveling for 6 hours and covering a circle with a diameter of 20 km, I should find a major road that was more direct then the route that I had originally planned. It was surprising to find that no one from this region has ever heard of Zürich or Frauenfeld even though they grew up in the area. I have always admired the Swiss for their precision and their intellect but for their attitude to strangers I never understood them. I went off on my own to find Zürich
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Emmanuelle's Journal Entry for Day 2:Since I have lots of time before Chris and I meet in Frauenfeld, I decide to visit Olten. Its pouring rain but I don t care, if I can't ride the bike next to Chris, I can at least experience the rain like he probably does right now. I wonder where about he is. After a lonely lunch, I decide to take the train to Frauenfeld. Some nice guy helps me to put my bike and luggage on the train. Thank God because it definitely not easy to move it up and down with one arm only. click here to read more