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It takes FOCCUS to raise awareness!


The mission of Friends of Chernobyl Centers, U.S. Inc. (FOCCUS) is to strengthen recovery efforts of individuals and communities in Russia and Ukraine that have been severely affected by the Chernobyl nuclear accident…and to foster education regarding psychosocial and community recovery from technological disasters. FOCCUS accomplishes its mission by supporting a network of Community Centers for Psycho-social Rehabilitation in 9 communities situated in, or on the edge of, contaminated communities. The Centers were developed by UNESCO and the first one opened in 1994 with support from the UN. The United Nations Development Program is currently the lead agency dealing with Chernobyl recovery issues. FOCCUS is the only organization in the world devoted solely to the support of these pioneering Community Centers.


The Chernobyl Center at Borodyanka, Ukraine

FOCCUS provides a vehicle for individuals and groups in the United States to express their concerns about those affected by the Chernobyl disaster. FOCCUS supports the transfer of knowledge regarding the survival of people in countries coping with recovery, reorganization and development following massive disruption caused by catastrophic disasters.

FOCCUS has sent over $100,000 and provided educational material and pro bono training and consultation services to the Centers. Following the April 26 U.S. Congressional hearing on Chernobyl, FOCCUS was presented a Congressional Certificate of Appreciation" to honor FOCCUS contributions to the Children of Chernobyl".

FOCCUS Board members provide presentations and information to civic, school, church and other groups upon request.

Contact FOCCUS !

FOCCUS Officers:

Norma J. Berkowitz, MSSW
Madison, WI

Donna Ulteig, MSSW
Madison, WI

Charlene Sweeney, MSW
Madison, WI

Robert Schuettpelz, CPA
Madison, WI

Representative for Ukraine and Russia:
Dan Miner-Nordstrom, MSSW
P.O. Box 58
Kyiv, 02099, Ukraine
Mobile: +38 (067) 403-2459
Email: dan@foccus.org


Contact Details:

c/o Norma Berkowitz
5818 Anchorage Avenue
Madison, WI, 53705

Phone: (608) 231-3198

Email: njberkow@wisc.edu





E-mail: admin@cycologie.com