: Chris left for Korosten by 8.30 am this morning. I felt sorry to see him go but I knew i needed a rest so i relaxed and waited for my ride.
My bike and i were attracting a lot of attention, which is not really an advantage when being an alone woman in a foreign country. But i knew i was ok.
I had time to watch people. You can learn a lot from just watching the way people talk, move, interact with the environment. From what I notice and can perceive with my own biased eyes, is that ukrainian are hard working individuals, honest and down to earth. They are who they are! Simple as that. I found them more open and helpful than polish and tchecs. They smile more even though you can tell their life is not easy. Sometimes, feelings of guilt arise within me when i think about the cosy appartment and comfortable life Chris and I have in Switzerland. Never once I questioned the running hot water for a bubble bath! Here hot water is a luxe!...click here to read more