Christian's Journal Entry for Day 24 : We spent the morning until 9am with the kids that were cleaning up after the party from the night before. I had no clue what they said to me but each time they would repeat it louder and louder like I had hearing problems. I do not have hearing problems I just don’t know Ukrainian.
After about 4 times the girl was getting impatient and her yelling reminded me of how much vodka I had drank the night before but I did manage to get my usual cup of morning coffee thanks to a pack of 3 in one coffee that I carry with me for just such an occasion.
10 am rolled around and Vlad came to pick us up for the meeting with the mayor. he was dressed in a freshly pressed blue shirt and dark patterned pants. I wanted to dress up too so I grabbed my good bandanna and we were off to meet the translator Tanya who would hopefully explain what the girl was yelling at me before I had my coffee this morning.....
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Emmanuelle's Journal Entry for Day 24 : The mosquitoes woke me up this morning. They are vicious here. I have never had so many mosquito bites in my life. Everything is quiet at the farm. We roughly have an idea of the schedule because Vladislav translated it for us with his computer.
It's 9 am when Vladislav comes to pick us up., First stop: the community center where we meet our first interpreter, Tanya, a nice and funny woman who is an English teacher here in Korosten. It was definitely easier to communicate with her here to read more