Christian's Journal Entry for Day 4 : The first leg of the day threw us off quite a bit as I received a phone call from Emmanuelle who was stuck a couple of kms out of our last stop. The train was hit violently by a man taking his life. A suicide by train.
It is tough to see that there is so much pain in the world that someone feels that ending their life is the only way out. Truly when one is so deep in situation or has reduced their life to one moment in time, it seems like the less painful way to end it. I have never weighed the option before but I can associate to this desperate feeling. It really hurt me to know that Emmanuelle was there at the scene of the accident....
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Emmanuelle's Journal Entry for Day 4 : When I woke up this morning, the sun was shining through the windows brightening up the pink room where we were staying. I felt rested for the first time since the trip began. After a delightful breakfast, it was time to say goodbye to Chris again but not for long because we had planned to meet a couple of hours later in Ulm for lunch. With the help of a few locals, I got my train ticket and one for my bike.
Then the unimaginable happened. The train stopped. In my broken German, I asked an old lady what was going on. There was an accident she said. We can't go any further. So we were asked to wait patiently. More information was revealed. here to read more