Christian's Journal Entry for Day 7 : We woke up this morning at 6 am to a silent countryside and the fireflies were overpowered by the sun just getting up, coming over the mountain. My clothes were heavily dampened by dew and the tent sagged in the middle because the ground was too soft to lay the pegs properly. I realized only at this point in the trip how much I missed coffee. I was too groggy to even think but I managed to locate the tent after drowning my head in a nearby brook and wake up Emmanuelle.
She is always happy to see me in the morning but this morning she met me with a grunt. Her muscles were probably too sore and the short nights nap probably didn’t do much justice but I think that it is safe to say she wasn’t so happy to see me this morning....
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Emmanuelle's Journal Entry for Day 7 : We got up really early. A police guy was walking his dogs. He greeted us and left. No fine! We were relieved.
We proceeded to continue our route towards Rotz then Cham, the only place where there was a train going to the Czech Republic. The road was nice through the forest. It was flat so it was not too hard to bike. However some 10 km later, we met a Canadian biker who basically told us we had just done a huge detour, a big loop according to the GPS. We could not believe it we were basically 1 km away from our last night stop!!! We were not too happy about that but we had no choice but to continue riding our machines in the heat until finally we arrived in here to read more