Christian's Journal Entry for Day 8 : The days are all blending together but the biking is starting to get interesting. I can finally lift my head to look around. The hills are low and rolling but they are closely spaced so I can use the momentum from the downs to get up the other side. The sun hurts my arms and I wish that there would be something between rain and scorching sun.
Prague is a huge city that just comes out of nowhere from the Czech hills. I wondered if I would ever find Emmanuelle or not but I did. We spent a couple of hours in the dense rain looking for a place to stay that wouldn’t cost a lot. We stopped to ask one man and he said that it was 180 euros a night. I had caught his attention because the bikes rolled across a clean red carpet where he had his trolley to carry the bags. ...
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Emmanuelle's Journal Entry for Day 8 : Chris walked me to the train station. I bought a ticket for me and another one for my bike. Destination: Praha. The train was direct thank God, because it's always such a hassle to take my luggage in and out, especially because Czechs versus Germans are not very friendly.
I managed to arrive in the big capital. Beautiful city but huge. I got ripped off; my lunch was the double of the price of yesterday's meal in Plzen!
I waited for Chris a long time before here to read more