Supporters main menu.
We have collected just some of the articles we found in the newspapers and TV
- Notable Supporters :
UN, Embassy, congressional reps, schools etc

- Biking Supporters :
Business owners, cycling shops, photographers, press and other
cycling support

- The General Public :
People who support the cycling
effort and our overall mission

- People Who Work Within the Organization of FOCCUS :
Board members, donors, committee members, etc

- People who FOCCUS helps :
directors of the centers; school
kids who participated in FOCCUS
special projects, community center
volunteers, etc

- Equipment and Service
Sponsors :
People who have donated
equipment or supplies for the trip

- In the News :
See how the newspapers and
radio have gotten involved all
over the world
We are still collecting the articles so if you have found any of our trip please send them to us as moved around too much and the articles came out usually as we left
the area
Welcome to the support section FOCCUSÂ inc Supporters
Welcome to the FOCCUS inc supporters section where you will find comments from Foccus board members, donors, Foccus committee members, etc. To add your self to this list click here. or choose from the menu below to skip to a differnt support page.
Name: Norma Berkowitz, President
Friends of Chernobyl Centers U.S. Inc. (FOCCUS)
Date: May/18/2006
Information: Norma Berkowitz is the president of FOCCUS and has worked for ten years with the Community Centres of FOCCUS to serve populations and communities severely affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Truthfully, without her help we would not be able to make it on our voyage. She is our inspiration for the trip. |
Dear Christian and Emmanuelle,
In a world where news is too often focused on dishonesty, self-interest, and destruction, your bicycle journey from Fribourg to Kiev is an inspiration to all who are striving, and wishing, for a more humane world. FOCCUS is indeed honored that your trip will be dedicated to us and to our efforts to make existence more meaningful for the millions of people whose lives were changed forever by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.
There are important lessons to be learned from Chernobyl. We have just passed the 20th anniversary of this disaster and there have been many international conferences examining current scientific, health, environmental and economic issues arising from this disaster. Continuing examination is crucial if we are not to repeat the many costly mistakes that led to this accident and to its human and environmental consequences.
Your selfless journey, dedicated to promoting this examination and to contributing to the well being of the communities that continue to be affected socially and economically, is a magnificent act of concern, education, caring and commitment.
The Board of Directors of FOCCUS, the Community Centers they support and the people they serve, salute you and will eagerly follow you along the path you travel.
Norma Berkowitz, President
Friends of Chernobyl Centers U.S. Inc.
Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com |
Name: Mascha Propp
Friends of Chernobyl Centers U.S. Inc. (FOCCUS)
Date: May/18/2006
Information: Mascha Propp is a FOCCUS organizer, volunteer, and former FOCCUS intern at the UNDP office in Kiev, Ukraine, |
Dear Chris and Emmanuelle,
Thank you so much for your incredible spirit and dedication to the people affected by Chernobyl! As a FOCCUS organizer, volunteer, and former FOCCUS intern at the UNDP office in Kiev, Ukraine, I have realized one thing, beyond any doubt: the more you give of yourself, the more you get back, often tenfold. My life path has been tremendously affected by my experiences with FOCCUS, such as my decision to go into the field of Public Health with a concentration on disaster relief and recovery. The connections I made as a result of FOCCUS and the knowledge I have gained will be lifelong...I wish the same for you!
May your biking adventure enlighten and inspire you and all those whom you meet along the way!
Love and Blessings,
Mascha Propp
FOCCUS Volunteer
311 Forest St. #2E Madison,
WI 53726 USA
Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com |
Name: Charlene Sweeney
FOCCUS Board Member (Secretary)
Date: June 26.2006
Information: Charlene Sweeney is a high School Social Worker (Volunteer FOCCUS Board Member)
Dear Christian and Emmanuelle,
What a wonderful opportunity for FOCCUS to be involved in your Bicycle trip from Switzerland to Kiev, Ukraine. FOCCUS is a small volunteer organization that attempts to do really important things. That is to support the community centers that were established to help with the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. There are many good ways to help people around the world. I believe that it is important that the international community not forget what happened at Chernobyl 20 years ago. It is important that we not forget the many thousands of lives that were changed forever that day. It is important that we all pay close attention to our earth and its safety. We are all in this world together, and Chernobyl still has an enormous affect on many thousands of lives. The community centers need help, and they can do much with little. Please look at the www.foccus.org web site.
Your trip will certainly call attention to the good work of the community centers, and to the good work of FOCCUS in providing support. A second goal of FOCCUS is to educate others about the Chernobyl accident. You are huge in helping with that also.
I will watch with great interest your day to day progress. I will be enthusiastically following your trip, and will wonder how your visits to the centers and the museum in Kiev will impress you. Bless you as you ride, and as you reach your goal. You are doing an amazing thing and we at FOCCUS are with you!
Charlene Sweeney, Secretary
Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com |
Name: Don Cleary
FOCCUS Board Member dpcleary@aol.com |
Date: June 28.2006
Information: Don Cleary is a FOCCUS Board Member
Dear Christian and Emmanuelle,
I send you greetings, admiration and gratitude from the Bethesda, Maryland Group of Friends of Chernobyl Centers-United States and from Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church in Bethesda. Cedar Lane UU Church is currently hosting children representing the Center in Slavutich, Ukraine. The children and the rest of us are following your progress and the children will return to Slavutich in time to meet you upon your arrival.
Don Cleary
Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church
Friends of Chernobyl Centers, United States
9527 West Stanhope Rd., Kensington, MD 20895
Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com |
Name: Ludmila Nelubova and Vitalia Vasilenko |
Date: June 29.2006
Information: Please receive the greetings from Ludmila Nelubova, Vitalia Vasilenko and 6 children from Slavutich, Ukraine, who are right now in Maryland by the invitation of Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church.
Dear Chris and Emm,
Please receive the greetings from Ludmila Nelubova, Vitalia Vasilenko and 6 children from Slavutich, Ukraine, who are right now in Maryland by the invitation of Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church.
All the Slavutich children have got the status of those who have suffered from the Chernobyl accident.
Probably there is no such a person in the world who would never heard about Chernobyl accident and that it is related to all the world society.
This year was the 20th anniversary after the catastrophe and people start to forget it. Although the sequences of it will influence on lives and health of the people for still a long time. That is why we should not stop events related to Chernobyl.
Dear Chris and Emm, thank you very much for your generous mission! We wish you good luck! Have a safe trip! See you in Ukraine!!!
Sincerely yours,
Ludmila Nelubova
Vitalia Vasilenko
Slavutich children
+38 066 700 30 76
Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com |