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We have collected just some of the articles we found in the newspapers and TV

We are still collecting the articles so if you have found any of our trip please send them to us as moved around too much and the articles came out usually as we left
the area

Welcome to the support section Equipment and Service Sponsors

Welcome to the supporters section where you will find comments from people who have donated equipment or supplies for the trip. To add your self to this list click here. or choose from the menu below to skip to a differnt support page

Sponsor 1

Sponsor Name: FOCCUS (Friends of Chernobyl Center, United States)

Date: Mar/18/06

Organisation profile: FOCCUS and its work are completely volunteerdriven. We rely on donations of time, talent and money to help the network of Community Centers in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine deliver important psychosocial services to those affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Please contact FOCCUS to find out how YOU can help!

FOCCUS Mission Statement: Strengthen recovery efforts of communities in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine that have been severely affected by the Chernobyl nuclear accident. and to Foster understanding of the complex social, political, economic and health problems that arise in the aftermath of technological accidents.

Foccus has donated their time and efforts to make our trip easier and the safest possible.

Address: http://www.Foccus.org

Sponsor 2

Sponsor Name: Soliloq Enterprises

Date: Feb/20/06

Company profile: Soliloq Enterprises are committed to showing the world a better way to engineer. Engineering with a conscience. The tragedy in the Ukraine has been an inspiration to their cause showing that carelessness and cost cutting will lead to annihilation of the human race.

Soliloq has donated the bikes and the web space for our site

Address: http://www.soliloq.com

Sponsor 3

Sponsor Name: EPa (Anonymous)

Date: Feb/26/06

Company profile: The Human Spirit in Transformational Thinking is a breakdown of the attributes that define a human being. It is not about soul, religion or ghosts! Each of us possesses all twenty of the attributes, which connects us all together as people, yet, within us all, they are different. This is what makes us all individuals. Within the Human Spirit we define the twenty attributes and their corresponding needs so that people have a means by which to begin identifying and meeting those needs in themselves and others.

EPa has donated Emmanuelles Bike

Address: Comments will be forwarded through admin@soliloq.com

Sponsor 4

Sponsor Name: minervahobby.com


Gracious donated web advertising and promotional campaigns

Date: May/6/06

Company profile: Aeromodeling store,advertising resources, weblog, forum, top sites, banners and much more are made available by Minervahobby websites

click here for more information

Address: Comments will be forwarded through admin@soliloq.com

Sponsor 5

Sponsor Name: Denis Cuche

Date: June1, 2006

Profile: Denis Cuche has donated Emmanuelle's bike helmet

Address: Comments will be forwarded

Sponsor 6

Sponsor Name: Alex Plattet

Date: May 20, 2006

Profile: Alex Plattet has graciously donated Emmanuelles bike shoes and a solar charger for the electronics we will be using.

Address: Comments will be forwarded

Sponsor 7

Sponsor Name: Bonnie Ogden

Date: June 4, 2006

Profile: Bonnie has donated many things for our trip but mainly socks, pj's and underwear as she is my mother, afterall.

Address: Comments will be forwarded

Sponsor 8

Sponsor Name: Muriel Plattet

Date: May 27, 2006

Profile: Muriel Plattet has selflessly donated a 3.2 kg tent for the trip as well as lots of practical support.

Address: Comments will be forwarded

Sponsor 9

Sponsor Name: Radio Fribourg

Date: July 5, 2006

Profile: The media plays a great role in the quest to raise awareness so we thank Radio Fribourg for the coverage for our event on Wednesday the 5 of July and also with live weekly brocasts of our progress to the Fribourg area.

Address: Comments will be forwarded

Sponsor 10

Sponsor Name: Len and Norma Berkowitz

Date: July 11, 2006

Coments: We are proud to be part of this exciting international adventure dedicated to an important mission. We will be with you in spirit every bit of the way."

Norma and Len have contributed to our trip by donating money for the sleeping bags that we will be taking for which we are ever so grateful.

Address: Comments will be forwarded

Sponsor 11

Sponsor Name: Philippe Renz


Date: July 27, 2006

Profile: Philippe writes "Hello! Super le projet et bravo pour le site! :-) Bonne route et au plaisir de vous suivre le long de votre périple"

Philippe has donated one of the day packs for Emmanuelle.

Address: Comments will be forwarded