Supporters main menu.
We have collected just some of the articles we found in the newspapers and TV
- Notable Supporters :
UN, Embassy, congressional reps, schools etc

- Biking Supporters :
Business owners, cycling shops, photographers, press and other
cycling support

- The General Public :
People who support the cycling
effort and our overall mission

- People Who Work Within the Organization of FOCCUS :
Board members, donors, committee members, etc

- People who FOCCUS helps :
directors of the centers; school
kids who participated in FOCCUS
special projects, community center
volunteers, etc

- Equipment and Service
Sponsors :
People who have donated
equipment or supplies for the trip

- In the News :
See how the newspapers and
radio have gotten involved all
over the world
We are still collecting the articles so if you have found any of our trip please send them to us as moved around too much and the articles came out usually as we left
the area
Welcome to the support section In the News
Welcome to the supporters section where you will find news articles on or about our trip. To add your self to this list click here. or choose from the menu below to skip to a differnt support page
"En route pour Chernobyl" Stéphane Sanchez
Article la Gruyère June 7, 2006
Dans 27 jours, le 6 juillet à 6 h du matin, Christian Boyko et sa femme Emanuelle Plattet quitteront Romont en VTT pour rejoindre Kiev, la capitale de l¹Ukraine. Un périple d¹une bonne trentaine de jours et de plus de 2170 kilomètres, par étapes de 100 kilomètres. Simple voyage touristique? Pas du tout:... Voir l'article complet
""La memoir par Vélo" Stéphane Sanchez
Bio express June 7, 2006
Emmanuelle Plattet, 31 ans, et Christian Boyko, 30 ans vivent a Romont depuis quatre ans. La j.. Voir l'article complet
""La memoir par Vélo" Stéphane Sanchez
1er Page la Gruyère June 7, 2006
.Les Romontois Christian Boyko et Emmanuelle Plattet vont rejoindre Kiev a VTT. Un voyage qui a pour tout... Voir l'article complet
"Rejoindre Kiev à vélo"
La Liberté 2 juin 2006
Sensibiliser la population sur les effets de la catastrophe de Tchernobyl et soutenir des centres psychosociaux en Ukraine, Belarus et Russie. Tel est.. Voir l'article complet
"Soutien aux survivants de Tchernobyl: périple cycliste réussi pour deux glanois"
La Liberté 12 Aug 2006
Sensibiliser la population sur les effets de la catastrophe de Tchernobyl et soutenir des centres psychosociaux en Ukraine, Belarus et Russie. Tel est. Read whole article...
"Couple Raises Awareness On Chernobyl Accident"
ABC of Hiking May 16, 2006
Their trip will last about 24 days and cover Switzerland, Germany, Poland Czech Republic and The Ukraine and is sponsored in association with FOCCUS (FRIENDS OF CHERNOBYL CENTERS U.S., INC) a non-profit organization whose main... Read more
"Couple Raises Awareness On Chernobyl Accident"
Borodyanka Aug 3, 2006
not really sure what this says because i dont speak Ukrainian language but it showed up days after we left and was sent to us when we got into kiev... Read more
"Couple Raises Awareness On Chernobyl Accident"
Boyarka Aug 5, 2006
not really sure what this says because i dont speak Ukrainian language but it showed up days after we left and was sent to us when we got into kiev.... Read more
"Trans-European Bicycle Tour"
Nuclear Monitor report July 2006
Canadian-born Engineer Christian Boyko, 31, and Swiss-born Special Education Teacher and Art Therapist Emmanuelle
Plattet, also 31, will cycle over 2,100 km (1,300 miles) from Friburg, Switzerland, to Kyiv, Ukraine to raise awareness about.. read more..
See our interviews on television
Rivne: Waiting for the footage
Cnpp Nuclear station and Slavutich: Waiting for the footage
Korosten : Waiting for the footage
Interview with Connie Chung : Waiting for her call
Hear us live on the Radio
Radio Fribourg
Weekly updates and interviews
Radio Fribourg will be following us every week of our trip with a live interview from our position at the time of broadcast. Be sure to check out our time schedule and catch us live on the radio via the internet, compliments of the buttons below. The broadcast will be in French and the times are local to the Bern Switzerland time zone.We would like to thank Radio Fribourg and Olivier Léchaire for their participation in our journey to raise awareness for the survivors of the Chernobyl technological accident. The weekly updates will be kicked off with an interview on July 5 2006 only one day before the actual trek begins.
The broadcast dates
Kick off interview: July 6, 2006
Listen to the interview (.mp3 *in French*)
On road July 25, 2006
Listen to the interview (.mp3 *in French*)

Radio Borodianka
Waiting for th