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We have collected just some of the articles we found in the newspapers and TV

We are still collecting the articles so if you have found any of our trip please send them to us as moved around too much and the articles came out usually as we left
the area

Welcome to the support section General Public Supporters

Welcome to the general public supporters section where you will find comments from People who support us in the cycling effort and our overall mission. To add your self to this list click here. or choose from the menu below to skip to a differnt support page.

Public 3

Name: Cherry Wunderlich Bethesda, Maryland
Date: Aug 1, 2006
Message: .
FOCCUS/Children of Slavutich Hosting Project in Maryland

Dear Emmanuelle and Christian,

Congratulations and thank you so much for your wonderful and inspiring bicycle journey in support of FOCCUS. Your service and support mean so much! This summer I've greatly enjoyed meeting Ludmila and Vitalia and the children visiting here for the summer. Wishing you all the best, and thank you again!

Best regards,


Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: Barb Boyko Canada
Date: July 25, 2006
Message: .
It's great. You guys look like you're having a great time. I'm at the library so I will have to look you up again soon. Auntie Do is at Baba's and I will have to show her your site too.

We keep in touch with you through Glen - isn't he great. He and Lena just had their 40th anniversay celebration on Sunday (a big whoop-tee-do). Lots of relatives!!! Wish you could have been here. Will close and wish you well for the remainder of your trip. Love to both of you - you're in my prayers.

Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: Pablo Kasprzak lublin paveua@gmail.com
Date: July 20, 2006
Message: .
I met you in Lublin at the coffee
Hi Emm & Chris :)

It is good to see you here. I hope you finally found a place to stay in Lublin. Once again thanks for a very interesting conversation. I think you had encouraged me to think of the world as a place of challenge and commitment instead of a place to sightseen.

If you happen to go back through Lublin, I can offer you a place to stay at my parents' house, near Lublin

Take care
Pawel/Paul/Pablo Kasprzak

Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: Mel Morgenbesser
Date: Aug 2, 2006
Message: .
Good luck on your trip. I had breakfast with Norma recently and learned about the trip and your decision dedicate it to the work FOCCUS is doing.

I shall make a small donation to FOCCUS in support of your trip. Mel

Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: Anne-Catherine Thévenaz, Romont!
Date: July 12, 2006
Message: .
Bonjour à vous

J'espère que tout se passe pour le mieux pour vous et que vous ne souffrez pas trop de la chaleur....

Félicitations pour le chemin parcouru et encouragements à persévérer.

Bien amicalement.

Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: Kathy Frates ,
Date: July 13, 2006
Message: .
Dear Chris and Emm,

You know me, Emm, I'm your Mom's friend from the San Francisco Bay Area. I wish you well. I cannot believe that you are already on your 12th day of the trip. Hope all is well! Godspeed and God bless you both.

Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: Nicolas Penaranda
Date: Aug 10, 2006
Message: .
Hi Christian!!... I am the guy that you knew in the Fribourg University, and you helped to put the gages. I am just send my e-mail in order to remain in contact!. Good luck in your trip!!... It is a really a good cause!!


Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: Bonnie Ogden
Date: Aug 19, 2006
Message: .
You made it,,, how does it feel? We are so proud of you,,, talk to me,, where is my " hi Mom"
,,, you must be in Ukraine now,,, welcome home,,,with you every turn of the bike pedal,,

Much love ,,, your family, and Mother.

Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: André Glardon
Date: July 17, 2006
Message: .
Bonjour à tous deux !
Comment va le scaphoïde ?
Pas de photos ?
Ou suis-je aveuglé par the language ?

Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com


Name: jean-philippe gogniat
Date: July 30, 2006
Message: .
d'ici peu vous aurez atteint votre objectif.
courage et bravo !

Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: Anne, Colin & Caleb Cracknell
Date: Aug 1, 2006
Message: .
G'Day from Australia,

Hi Guys... what a nice surprise and a fantastic initiative! Your website is great, looking forward to discovering the photos of your trip... We'll follow your progress from Down Under. On pense à vous et à votre aventure... et vous souhaitons: vent de dos, beaucoup de descentes, beau temps, et plein de rencontres magiques... :-)
Quel courage !

A tout bientôt,

Anne, Colin & Caleb

Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: Marie-Paule Meuwly
Date: July 13, 2006
Message: .
Salut Emmanuelle,

bon vent à toi et à Chris pour cette aventure qui me touche beaucoup. J'espère que vous toucherez beaucoup de gens au cours de votre voyage et que tout se passera bein pour vous. Je me réjouis de suivre votre voyage via internet. Je te souhaite un bon rétablissement.

Amicalement Marie-Paule

Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: Marie-Hélène et Tadeusz Senn-Marra
Date: July 3, 2006
Message: .
we wish you the best for your trip !

As they say in Poland, "Szerokej drogi dla Was !" (we can translate this by "have a nice and broad way !").

Marie-Hélène & Tadeusz

Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: Sophie Dubuis Villars-sur-Glâne Switzerland
Date: July 30, 2006
Message: .
Dear Emmanuelle & Christian, working in Geneva, it's a pleasure and a proud to discover your project today in the newspaper La Liberté.

I wish you all the best and will follow your trip with a great interest. Take care! Sophie

Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Name: Endrias Asale
Date: Aug 2, 2006
Message: .



Address: Comments will be forwarded through 2000k@soliloq.com

Public 3